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- Written by: The DIY Hunter
- Category: Hunting
- Hits: 5965
This year Dallen and I drew general muzzleloader deer tags and Kaden drew a rifle tag. With Kaden still a youth hunter he can hunt all of the seasons with his rifle tag so he also hunted with Dallen and I during the muzzleloader season.
Going back the last couple of years I have been dealing with some challenges in my life and 2022 had its share of them for me to say the least. Last year in 2021 I was mountain biking almost every day throughout the summer and early fall to get in shape but most importantly to strengthen my right knee to make it through the hunting seasons. I made it through many hikes during the 2021 hunting season until my final 11+ mile hunt in November during the muzzleloader elk season. The bone on bone in my right knee never recovered from that hike. It was time. A time I feared and hoped would never come, time to get a full knee replacement.
The first of May 2022 I had Dr. Grunander replace my knee. Going into the surgery my flexion was only 108° and losing ground. The swelling and pain made hiking impossible. After the replacement, I was up walking that day and doing everything I could to try and heal in time to hunt in September but... I quickly became a "special" one for the Physical Terrorists. My knee wasn't bending. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't get my knee to bend enough to ride a bike. I had a manipulation surgery in August which helped improve my flexion and another manipulation surgery in December of 2022 that as I write this has now given me the ability to go down stairs with only stiffness and a little pain. I can now pedal a bike with only some stiffness and a little pain as well. To this day I am stretching my knee multiple times a day to try and keep the 100+ degree bend in my knee so I can ride a bike. I'm trying to get it to hold at least a 115 degree bend... it will bend that far but it takes a minute of stretching it.
Right leg a week after knee replacement in May of 2022.
With my knee not doing the greatest I didn't even attempt solo hunting during the archery elk season and started my hunting this fall with the muzzleloader deer season at the end of September. At the time I thought my knee was going to be my greatest issue this fall... unfortunately, greater health issues were to come.
A couple of days into the season and I was able to take some days off and packed 4+ miles into the backcountry to hunt with Dallen and Kaden. We were hunting our favorite rifle deer hunting location instead of our favorite muzzleloader deer hunting location this year. Our favorite muzzleloader deer hunting location is just a little too difficult of terrain for my less-than-functional knee.
My 2022 muzzleloader mule deer bedded. The buck stood up and bedded in a broadside position shortly after this photo.
After a couple of days of hunting, we were able to find a handful of two-point bucks and a couple of small three-points. We also found one small four-point buck. We glassed him up multiple times over a couple of day period of time. With this buck being the largest buck we could find we set out on our last evening to try and harvest him. Early in the afternoon we dropped down into a canyon and set up 500 yards across the canyon from where we last saw him earlier that morning. Dallen might have taken a shot at a three-point we jumped as we worked our way into position. A clean miss.
With where the buck was last seen if we were to cross the canyon there was no great location to be able to see the buck. We needed to stay across the canyon so that we could find him. Once found we would then make a call on how we would make a play on him. It wasn't long after we set up that I spotted the buck bedded down at 375 yards and further down in the canyon than where we thought he bedded for the day.
We gave Kaden first dibs on shooting the buck and he passed. He knew he would have much better chances of seeing much larger bucks during the rifle season. This was a good call for him which paid off with him taking his largest buck to date. More on that buck later. Anyhow, with my knee not doing the greatest and having two of my boys with me I decided to take the buck over Dallen. Sorry and thank you Dallen. And Dallen wasn't upset because the buck was pretty small.
A whole lot of one of my favorite camo patterns, Browning OVIX and my 2022 muzzleloader mule deer.
I set up with my homemade double cross shooting sticks and a shooting bag under my armpit. In this position, I can get near bench stability from a sitting position. With my CVA Paramount muzzleloader, I am very comfortable at shooting out to 500 yards with great precision. When we spotted this buck he was well within range but bedded at a poor angle. I will post a photo of him bedded in this position. With the buck bedded I had plenty of time to calculate the shot distance, angle, barometric pressure and wind using Strelok Pro (love that app!). After a few minutes, the buck stood up and then quickly bedded right back down except he had moved forward a bit and was now bedded near perfectly broadside. I can make that shot now! And the Paramount didn't let me down. What a fantastic muzzleloader! With the blast of the muzzy and the whop of the impact, the buck jumped up, dove forward and piled right up.
That was a cool experience to be with two of my boys and take this young buck. Aside from the buck I shot in 2021 with Kaden, these are the only times I have killed a buck or bull with any of my boys. Most of the time I have been hunting solo. I'm really enjoying these hunts with my boys.
Browning Monroe frame pack loaded with boned-out mule deer meat.
We boned out the buck and packed him back to our camp that evening with backstrap shishkabobs for dinner. Yum!
The next morning we were up early looking for a buck for Dallen and Kaden before we made the 4+ mile hike off the mountain with camp and my buck. We spent a couple of hours hiking up a canyon only to find one small forky and a few does. About a half hour after we made it back to camp and in the process of breaking camp my heart went crazy. I felt good but my chest felt like I had an orbital sander vibrating on it, my pulse was quite irregular and I kept almost passing out when I would raise up from bending over... but I felt fine. I figured I must be in atrial fibrillation (AFIB). Which I later confirmed was indeed AFIB.
We finished packing up camp and started heading off the mountain all the while my heart was vibrating weirdly. Whenever we came to any uphill sections I had to go extremely slow or I would start to black out. The trip off the mountain took an extra two hours and by the time we made it to my Jeep my heart was back to normal... Hmm... AFIB? What caused it???
With the buck in the freezer and a couple of days rest, I was back out helping Dallen find a good buck. We found a number of smaller bucks and had a good buck slip around through the pinon pines and disappear. We only caught a glimpse of him but he looked nice and we believe he doubled back on us around a cliffy steep point on the mountain. Cleaver buck.
After a pause to hunt elk in the Unita mountains and another AFIB episode in the Unitas, Kaden and I were back in our favorite deer hunting spot for the last few days of the rifle deer season.
It was dark when we made it to our camping location with our headlamps spying around 10 deer feeding and bedded down right in the spot we pitch our tent. LOL. The next morning we watched many deer and a good four point out around 700 yards. Not a huge enough buck to chase after for the first morning but a nice buck. That afternoon 200 yards from our camp a four-point appeared feeding out of the maple trees. Kaden made a less-than-perfect shot as the buck was facing us and the window to see the buck created a rush to shoot faster than we desired. We took our time working our way around the point making sure he wasn't sneaking out wounded where we couldn't see him but the buck was already expired within 100 yards of where Kaden shot him.
Great buck Kaden. This buck we believe is the buck that we watched in the morning at 700+ yards away.
After boning out the buck and making the 300-yard trip back to camp it was deer shishkabobs for dinner again. Yummy!
The next morning we slept in a little and then packed out camp and Kaden's buck. I was glad that my heart did great this whole trip and was hopeful that these episodes were over as I was thinking that the Celebrex prescription I had recently stopped taking for my non-bending knee was the culprit.
I had just an awesome time hunting for deer with my boys this fall. Sorry, we didn't find you a good buck for you Dallen.
Since this hunt, I have had two AFIB episodes where I have gone to the emergency room. I had at first thought my AFIB episodes were caused by Celebrex that I was taking for my replaced knee that wasn't bending well... apparently not. My last episode was bad and I had to have my heart shocked back into rhythm. I'm on meds that I'm not happy about but hopefully will keep me alive and away from a stroke that AFIB can cause. I'm not sure what 2023 is going to be like. My knee is slowly and I mean slowly improving and I just don't know what to do with my heart. It might be getting an ablation surgery, we will see. I hate the meds but am not quite ready to die.
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- Written by: The DIY Hunter
- Category: Hunting
- Hits: 5805
This deer season in Utah rolled around with Dallen having and muzzleloader tag and me and my two younger boys having rifle tags.
For the muzzleloader hunt, I went out with Dallen a couple of times. On two occasions Kaden carried my muzzleloader as youth hunters with a rifle tag can hunt all of the seasons. We had a few good trips hiking up the mountain but didn't find a lot of deer. One trip that Dallen and I went on had us pushing probably 9 miles and didn't see a single deer. After that trip in we switch to a different area of public land and found a few right along the fence with the private land.
Dallen did have a close encounter with a four-point buck that out-smarted him while he was trying to slip into closer range with his CVA Accura V2. He now wants a CVA Paramount Muzzleloader like mine to extend his range a little more.
After the muzzleloader season, we were back after the elk for the rifle elk season before we switched back to deer hunting again.
The rifle deer season had some really late dates pushing the close of the season on October 31st. This had us excited because the deer really start to move into the public land in November for the rut so the chances of better bucks starting to migrate into the area would be greater.
The day before the opener had me and Kaden packing in to set up camp. We made it in the four miles to the area we like to hunt ready for the opener in the morning.
As the light started to fill the sky we were set up on our shooting sticks watching our favorite canyon. It didn't take long before the canyon erupted with deer going everywhere. The sky was cloudy making the lighting quite dark. As the deer started moving rapidly all over the canyon we spotted two four-point bucks running together. Kaden was ready and on them but they weren't stopping. I was going back and forth from my rifle to my range finder and my 50-year-old eyes were having a hard time adjusting to the different optics and just looking without optics across the canyon in the dim lighting.
It became quite clear the bucks were not going to stop and were getting further and further away. Without saying a word Kaden took the shot at the buck moving at 320 yards and drilled in through the heart. What a cool moment for me to just give him the range and he knew what to do. He's becoming quite the marksman and hunter. After the shot, he told me he was holding right on the front edge of the buck as it was moving to compensate for the movement and he judged it perfectly.
After Kaden's buck hit the dirt I turned my attention to the other four-point that was now running. I thought about shooting it but it was just too difficult to spot him amongst all the other deer across the canyon with my bare eyes then switch to a rangefinder then over to a rifle with my old eyes. Oh well, the most important thing was making sure Kaden made the shot. Nice work Kaden!
We rushed to get a few photos before it started to rain and then it rained on us the whole time working on boning out the buck.
After we had the buck boned out we headed back to camp to rest and get out of the rain inside of our tent. One thing I have found with boning out deer and elk meat is that if I can get the meat boned out it has always been tasty good even when I get it off the mountain the day after it was harvested. So we were going to spend the night and see if I could find a buck in the evening or the next morning before hauling the meat off the mountain.
As it started getting late into the afternoon the rain started to stop so we set up glassing the canyon for the evening. That evening we saw a few buck smaller bucks and a couple of mountain lions about 400 yards up the canyon from our camp. These are the first mountain lions that Kaden had ever seen. They were hanging around one spot in the brush so I figured they had a kill somewhere right there. (Shaky handheld video of the kitties is below.)
Morning rolled around and we were out glassing again for deer. It was a little difficult as fog kept rolling in blocking our ability to see across the canyons. We watched a good number of deer but nothing in the four-point category so after a couple of hours we decided to pack up and get Kaden and his buck off the mountain.
As we walked back to our tent we decided to walk and look off the other side of the point we were camping on. As we approached to edge of the point and neared some maple trees a buck jumped out and took off running. I could see he was a young three-point... the best buck we had seen since opening morning. I quickly decided to try and take him as I ran back to the tent to grab my rifle and shooting sticks. To date, none of my boys have ever seen me shoot a buck or bull. I have always been hunting by myself whenever I have taken bull elk and buck deer. This was running through my head rapidly as I knew this could be a good opportunity to fill a tag with Kaden there to share the memory with.
As I ran back to the edge of the ridgeline I dropped and ranged the buck now running across the canyon about to go over the ridge. 400 yards. The buck paused as it got to the next ridgeline looking over the ridge and I quickly sent a 147 ELD-M over to meet him. The buck flipped upside down right in his tracks and then a large cloud of fog rolled in blocking any view of where the buck was.
We grabbed some gear to work on the buck and off we went over to find him. Given the fog rolled in we weren't sure if he may have jumped back up and ran off but that wasn't the case. He was stone-cold right where I shot him at.
What a cool experience to share with Kaden. I kind of wish I would have shot smaller bucks in years past when my boys were with me. We now were each coming out extra heavy packing deer with our gear off the mountain.
The 147 ELD-M performed great in taking this buck. You can learn more below in the video and caption of the bullet.
After taking this buck with my 6.5 PRC I will want to make sure not to hit a shoulder on a bull elk with this bullet/cartridge combo but a shot into the boiler room through the ribs should be deadly on a bull elk. Although I do have better rifles to take elk with I really like how lightweight and comfortable this rifle is to shoot so... I might still carry it on some of my elk hunts.
Our 2021 deer season turned out great. I didn't shoot the largest buck on the mountain but I had an absolute great time sharing this memory with Kaden.
Here are some technical details of how the 147 ELD-M bullet performed on my 2021 mule deer buck.
Technical ELD-M Bullet Performance Details • 147 Gr ELD-M • 6.5 PRC • MV 3,000 FPS • 400 Yards • 10-15° Downhill Shot • Recovered Bullet Weight - 21 Gr. • The bullet hit just off the top rear edge of the left shoulder blade blowing a fist-sized hole through the rib cage in the top of the chest cavity. The bullet angled down and forward going through the front of the right shoulder bone and almost exited the hide on the front of the shoulder close to the neck. • The buck dropped immediately upon impact.
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- Written by: The DIY Hunter
- Category: Hunting
- Hits: 8772
Elk have been a nemesis for me for many years now. I'm not sure what is going on. I have been working my rear off to find them year after year... Since I killed my spike elk in 2014 I have only seen a couple of elk. Yes, you heard correct while hunting multiple seasons per year and also hunting with my boys for the past seven years I have only seen a couple of elk total.
In 2020 I hunted a total of nine days for elk and never saw a single elk. This year I personally hunted 10 days for elk. I had the three-season combo tag again this year in my pocket and figured this was the year for me to fill the freezer... I was wrong.
I was super excited that the DWR extended the general archery elk season this year. The Archery elk hunt this year ended five days after it usually closed here in Utah. The season actually ended on the 22nd of September... the furthest into September ever.
Archery Hunting
My QuikSpin vanes on my Series 22 (original heavy version) arrow shafts archery elk hunting in Uinta mountains.
Waking up to snow while archery elk hunting in Uinta mountains.
My favorite hunting treat - Swedish Fish.
One of many, many wallows I found in the Uinta mountains while archery elk hunting.
Wearing blaze orange while archery elk hunting in Uinta mountains because the season overlapped with the rifle youth elk hunt.
For archery season headed to the North Slope of the Uinta mountains. I then packed in three miles and set up camp. For the following three days I hiked in another three miles in different directions hunting for elk. I found a lot of fresh sign and heard and saw a couple of hunters but could never find an elk.
One day hunting my way slowly back to camp I found a spike elk that had been shot in the hindquarters with an arrow from what looked to be about a week prior.
I found a lot of cool wallows in the area but none of them really looked to have been recently used. I really only believe I heard one valid elk call during the 4 days I archery hunted, it was a bugle in response to my cow calls as I was hiking in with my camp.
I did enjoy the peace of being on the mountain by myself for a few days and I was really pumped that my knee held out with me putting in six-plus miles on them a couple of the days. Both of my knees are in bad shape with them having seven surgeries to date. My right knee has really been bothering me this year and a trip to my knee surgeon was not very comforting... "you're basically bone on bone and the only surgery that is going to help you is a replacement."
I really enjoyed getting out on the mountain exploring new areas but Archery season didn't go so well... at least at finding any elk. Hopefully rifle and muzzleloader seasons would go better.
Rifle season rolled around a few weeks later and two of my boys opted to join me in the Uintas for four days of sub-freezing temps in a tent. We had a lot of fun together putting in six-plus miles every day looking for elk. We were ever so close on many occasions as we found really fresh beds and tracks in the fresh snow. On one day Kaden spotted three cow elk and if one had been a bull Kaden was set up just in time to shoot it before they ran back into the thick pines.
This rifle hunt was some of the coldest hunting I have ever experienced. We stayed warm and camped at the trailhead in my little four-man Browning tent. I had a blast spending time with my boys. I only wish Landen would have joined us for the hunt. And my knees held out again putting a lot of miles each day on them.
Next up was rifle deer season and then it was my turn again for elk, this time with my Paramount 45 cal muzzleloader.
My plan for the muzzleloader elk hunt was for me to head back to the Uinta mountains and hunt solo again lower down the mountain than where I had previously hunted. I was planning to sleep in the front seats of my Jeep and explore different areas to hunt. As the hunt approached my Jeep started leaking antifreeze from somewhere on the back of the engine. I purchased a borescope camera and traced it to what I believe was an intake manifold gasket leak. I was right a couple of weeks later when I got in into Precision Auto in Morgan to have it fixed.
I took this selfie on the 11.3 mile hike looking for elk with my Paramount muzzleloader. This hike destroyed my knee.
Anyhow, with the leaking antifreeze, I wasn't comfortable driving it the long distance to the Uintas to hunt so I decided to hunt more locally. At four in the morning, I made the half-hour drive to the trailhead of the local public land and off I went into the darkness of morning hiking up the mountain. I had one heck of a hike. Looking at OnX Maps I hiked 11.3 miles as the crow flys this day. I was in some great areas for elk but I didn't see any elk, cut any tracks or hear a single elk. One thing I did find out from this hunt was 11.3 miles was way too much for my right knee. It did this knee in bad. Month's later my right knee is still in pain and not functioning well. I'm going to try and lose some weight to try and help it but I may need to break down and get it replaced.
And so my elk finding slump continues. Maybe 2022 will be better.
Here are some of the critters we saw while hunting.
We had the Canada Jays eating from our hands but we couldn't find any elk.
Dallen spotted this good mule deer buck one day while we were hunting in the Uinta Mountains.