(Last revised February 18, 2023)

This website is operated by Brady Smith.  By using this website, you agree to be bound by all of the terms, conditions and notices contained or referenced in this statement. You should review this statement from time to time. I reserve the right to change this statement at any time without notice. Your continued use of the website constitutes your acceptance of the revised statement. If you do not accept all of the terms and conditions set forth in this statement, you must exit the website immediately.

Amazon Associate: As an Amazon Associate and advertising affiliate I may earn a very small percentage of any sale from qualifying purchases from links to any products or services from ads shown on this website. You do not pay anything extra and any purchase you make from Amazon from visiting links from my website helps support my work in bringing you new and better content. Thank you!

Website Analytics. Information such as the browser you are using, your screen resolution, and the pages you viewed while on the website are collected when using this website. These are some of the general types of information that can be collected as a result of your use of the website through analytics. No personal identifiable information is collected through analytics or by any other means from this website.

To serve your interests more effectively, I provide relevant website links for your consideration. I have no control over the privacy and usage policies of the websites that these links point to and recommend you review the privacy statements of these websites carefully before providing them with any of your personal information. Linkage to these websites does not imply my endorsement of any website, company, their products or services.

As you read through my journal entries on this website you will see that I express my thoughts and opinions on various different products from various companies including my current employer's (Browning). You will see that I do use a lot of Browning products and Winchester Repeating Arms products, rifles and shotguns that Browning is licensed to produce. Please note that the thoughts and opinions on this website are my personal opinions and do not reflect those of my employer or any other company. This is my personal website for my personal pleasure and enjoyment.

The products I use and discuss on this website are products that I personally use. This website is my personal hunting and shooting journal and my use and discussion of any products does not constitute any endorsement from myself or endorsement from the company who's product or services I write about.

This website discusses different do-it-yourself tips, ideas and uses for different products that I use. Users assume all risk, responsibility and liability for any and all injuries (including death), losses or damages to persons or property (including consequential damages), arising from the use of any information and/or products written about on this website.

LOAD DATA WARNING: The load information on this website is for my personal use in my personal firearms and is posted for entertainment purposes only. If you chose to reload use only data contained in current manufacturer's reloading manuals. Incorrectly reloaded ammunition can cause serious personal injury and damage to the firearm due to excessive pressure. Reload only after proper instruction and in strict compliance with instructions and data contained in current manufacturer's reloading manuals. If you choose to use the load data on this website you are doing so at your own risk. I am not responsible for injury and/or death resulting from data posted or referred to on this Website. Improper reloading is dangerous. Users assume all risk, responsibility and liability for any and all injuries (including death), losses or damages to persons or property (including consequential damages), arising from the use of any data posted on this site.

Any questions concerning this privacy and terms statement should be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..