KB rabbit squeal

KB working a rabbit squeal trying to bring in a coyote.

KB rabbit squeal

My new Alps Outdoorz Crossfire X pack. This pack is sweet. It is the most comfortable day pack I have ever used. Lots of cool pockets and features. I really like the vented back. There is no sweaty back as the pack rests just off my back behind a neat ventilation system.

KB rabbit squeal

Selfie on KB and me while coyote hunting.

In March my two young boys, my wife and daughter all took Hunter Safety and recieved their blue cards. Since then KB, my youngest, has been asking me daily to take him coyote hunting with his Micro Midas BL22. It has been really cute to see him so excited to want to go coyote hunting.

We set out on a Saturday morning in March to see if we could fool a willey coyote. We took a few hand calls and my DIY electronic caller.

We tired a lot of challenge howls and distressed critters at a couple of different setups as we hiked across the mountain. We saw a lot of deer and caught a glimpse of an elk in the oak brush. Unfortunately we never could find a coyote for KB. He was pretty bummed yet was determined to keep on going until we found some coyotes. It was pretty cool to see his determination. He wanted a coyote. I think he also had ideas for the $50 he would get for the bounty on each coyote.

We were hunting in what should be a good area for shed elk antlers so we spent a lot of time looking around trying to find some with no luck. I'd bet most of the elk still had their antlers on their head but I had been hearing reports that they were dropping them already.

As we were driving back off the mountain KB made the comment that "Dad you were right, it's not as easy to get coyotes as it looks on the hunting videos." Yeap, I have yet to see a hunting video that doesn't make it look too easy.

KB Coyote Hunting BL-22

KB hiking in to hunt coyotes with his Browning Micro Midas BL-22 rifle.

KB rabbit squeal

My DIY electronic coyote caller.

KB rabbit squeal

KB's Browning Micro Midas BL-22 rifle.

KB rabbit squeal

A-Bolt Stainless Varmint 243 WSSM with Vortex Viper PST 6-24x50 with SFP and EBR MOA reticle.